
Other publications

3. Simon Lemal. Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive modal logics, Master's thesis, 2023. (full text) (abstract) (corrected version)

2. Simon Lemal. Priestley-like duality for subordination lattices, Project paper, Amsterdam, 2022. (pdf)

1. Simon Lemal. Espaces compacts et séparés, équivalences et dualités, Bachelor's thesis, 2021. (pdf)



1. Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive logics, Crash course, Luxembourg, October 2023. (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)


Contributed talks

1. Hereditary structural completeness and n-universal models of wK4, LATD 2023, Tbilisi, September 2023. (pdf)


Other talks

1. On Conway's Numbers and Games, Cool Logic (student seminar), Amsterdam, February 2024. (pdf)